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Do U ever have days when u feel like you are sinking or drowning????


If I am honest, yes definitely!!!!! It reminds me of the story of Peter



Our Lack of Faith

Matthew 15: 29-32 So He said, “Come”. And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.


Peter started to sink when he allowed his surroundings and the storms around him to shake his faith. He got his focus off the Lord and was pulled away from the chaos around him.

As we start sinking our cry out to Jesus causes us to refocus on the Only One who can calm the storms……not leaning on ourselves or our own strength because we alone cannot keep that up, but eventually our weakness will give in. When we are weak is when He is strong!! 2 Cor. 10

In His Word, Jesus cannot lie. It is real and stronger than what our emotions tell us or how we perceive the trouble around us. Sometimes He will allow us to go just so far on our own, until we realize that we are nothing in ourselves and reels us back in to focusing on Him.



It Reminds Me Of A Horse With Blinders

 Horses have their eyes at the sides of their heads, which indicates that they are hunted in nature — similar to rabbits, for example — as opposed to the hunters such as cats. So, horses have peripheral vision, which means they can end up running off course unless they are made to remain focused. Horses sometimes need to be made to focus and blinders keep the horse’s eye focused on what is ahead, rather than what is at the side or behind. That is why race horses are often given blinders – for the purpose of keeping them focused when racing round a race course

For many horses, blinders are commonly used in order to prevent the horse from becoming distracted. Farming horses can also be predisposed to distractions and if they are pulling a plow or a wagon they might need blinders to stop them from losing concentration on the direction they are supposed to be headed. The blinders cover the rear vision of the horse, forcing it to look only in a forward direction and keeping it on track. Blinders are also useful to reduce the chances of the horse being spooked and making a run for it while still attached to the wagon.


As Humans we Get Scared

We can get spooked or frozen with fear by things that look as though they will overtake us and defeat us. We take our focus off of Jesus, who alone gives us Peace.



Check What We are Focusing On

When we make the choice to concentrate on the chaos and the situation rather than Jesus, we hinder that  sweet connection with Him. He is greater and more powerful than any of the problems we face. He is the sometimes stillness in a fast paced world, and the quietness sometimes in a loud and raging world. He is sometimes the gentle whisper in a world that is constantly yelling at us…

 I John 4:4, “the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” If we focus on the problems then we will loose sight of the one greater than anything.



Even Good Things Can Keep Us Distracted

We tend to so easily allow ourselves to get distracted even by little things that we allow to sneak in there. We can get so busy and even though they are not necessarily destructive things, they still demand our time and priorities can get shifted around. Are we just filling our lives with things to do lists, vs. is this really benefitting me and helping with eternal things?? Are our riches and the fight and determination to get them here taking away from our eternal rewards and riches awaiting us?

The problem is we get too busy for Jesus. I have heard someone say, “If the devil cannot make you bad, then he will make you busy.” That’s a real eye opener!!. We can get distracted by good things as well as bad. We do not need to get busy doing good things, we need to get busy doing the things Christ has for us to do. 

My best friend had shared with me what her heartfelt struggle was at one time in her life “You can get so busy working for the Lord that you don’t spend the time u should with the Lord   It is so very true and we all go through this at times in our lives. So busy doing and doing and doing we get caught up with the activities which are not BAD IN THEMSELVES, BUT IT CAN PULL US AWAY FROM SPENDING THAT PRECIOUS TIME WITH THE LORD INTIMATELY ALONE WITH HIM.



Sounds Good But May Not Be What the Lord Wants Us To Do At This Time

 Luke 9:51 , “When the days were coming to a close for Him to be taken up, He knew he had to go to Jerusalem.” Jesus knew what His calling was to do at that particular time. He knew He was called to go to the cross.. He could have healed more people if He had not died at 33. He could have preached, taught, and converted many more people if He had put off the cross for another 5 years or so.  See Those are all good things, but they were not his purpose. Jesus maintained a single focus: the cross. He would not be distracted by the people or the problems, the  Pharisees, Scribes, and opposition.

We must never allow the problems of this word to distract us from the source of our power. We must also be careful to not become so busy that we stray from the purpose Christ has for our lives. It is so easy to follow someone else’s calling that we miss what He is calling us to do.

I have heard people say “Wow if only I could sing, or preach, or teach, or be like that other person and their giftings. When we lose sight of what He individually has for us to do, that no one else can do it exactly like you were meant to, in only the way you can!!


When We Truly Realize Who Our Source Is

So I ask myself why don’t I see Jesus at times for who He really is? the only one who can change our lives? We must spend time with Him. It is simple, but sometimes it is the most obvious things that we fail to see. To know Jesus we must spend time with Him. We don’t really get to know a person unless we spend time with them.

When the storms of life come,  sometimes I wait so long until I call on Jesus? I try to figure it out myself or work out a plan or run to others for the answer.

As humans we want things on our time table, not necessarily His perfect timing. Because of our own insecurities, I get caught up with the thoughts of this is too minute for Him to worry about, or scared how far He is asking me go or by faith asking me to do.. YIKES!  


Sharing From My Heart

Now hopefully when you read these posts you can hear my heart and in no way do I ever  mean to judge or criticize anyone, I am truly sharing my heart and struggles and keeping it real. Hopefully you can relate to something and know you are not alone..

As always wanted to leave with you a simple prayer that if you long for the peace in a troubled and chaotic world. Perhaps you are drowning in pain or lost hope…Let me introduce you to someone who’s hands are reaching out to you to save you and give you a new hope and beginning. His name is Jesus.


In His Love,

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