As my hubby and I were working out today…was thinking I need to post some things for those that might have struggled with this issue or still struggling with it like I do some, well let’s be honest.. MOST OF THE TIME!

As I grow older in numbers I still feel like a kid at heart and long to continue to live a life that is healthy, happy, and flourishing, not only spiritually but mentally and physically.

It’s not so much if and when I will or can fit into my “SKINNY” jeans anymore, but more of.. I want nothing to hold me back from being and doing all God wants and calls me to do….

and if I am tired, sluggish, unhealthy and feel miserable that also can be a  tool of Satan to keep me held back from that!

Now this is not to endorse any certain diet product or potion, I am just sharing my day with you…

After  years of coming to terms with food and realizing its not the ENEMY but just like a car running on E or cheap gas, it will not run properly.