As my hubby and I were working out today…was thinking I need to post some things for those that might have struggled with this issue or still struggling with it like I do some, well let’s be honest.. MOST OF THE TIME!

As I grow older in numbers I still feel like a kid at heart and long to continue to live a life that is healthy, happy, and flourishing, not only spiritually but mentally and physically.

It’s not so much if and when I will or can fit into my “SKINNY” jeans anymore, but more of.. I want nothing to hold me back from being and doing all God wants and calls me to do….

and if I am tired, sluggish, unhealthy and feel miserable that also can be a  tool of Satan to keep me held back from that!

Now this is not to endorse any certain diet product or potion, I am just sharing my day with you…

After  years of coming to terms with food and realizing its not the ENEMY but just like a car running on E or cheap gas, it will not run properly.


FOOD =FUEL=NUTRITION.  NOW I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT PIZZA, ICE-CREAM, PIES, COOKIES, A WHOLE BAG OF DORITOS. LOL!!!!!!!  I AM TALKING ABOUT REAL NATURAL FOOD THAT GOD PUT ON THIS EARTH. THINGS THAT ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE FOOD.  A potato looks like a potato and most fruits or veggies you can tell what they are at the store in the produce section..

Let’s  talk about all the over processed, packaged stuff you don’t know what it is or what is in it? YIKES!!!!!  The fact that some pre-packaged stuff can stay on the shelf for years without going bad has to make you think what in the earth is in it to preserve it??

That’s why my hubby and I try to do most of our own cooking at home, and when we do go out, we try to make the most valuable choices…

Just some food prepping if our day consists of being on the road a lot or busy, busy, busy.. Much easier to have stuff all ready.

know it was a God-thing when after earnestly seeking the Lord I was led to a man by the name of John Defendis and Ultra-Fit.


Now again in no way am I advertising ,you can look up who he is if you desire to.


One of my main issues is not drinking enough water and hydrating, hydrating, hydrating!! Diet soda is my addiction that I am struggling with and with the Lord I know I will find victory!! 

In my journey I have found some cute ideas to get me motivated to reach for water instead of diet soda.( May have to do a post on the dangers of diet sodas if not for anybody but for myself to get it through my thick skull)…LOL!! Of course had a pink water bottle and I found these cute measurement stickers to put on my bottle…LOL

The more we get to know each other. .you will know I love the color pink….Can be such a girlie-girl…sorry guys LOL.  










     http://www.kmart.com/athletech-women-s-gracie-black-neon-pink-athletic-shoe/p-035VA89497612P         PINK AND BLACK SNEAKERS



So , so many people have asked where I found my zebra print eyeglass magnetic holder and I will list the info. I found it at a Gift Trade Show.


479-445-4438.  They come in many different types and colors I just loved the animal print and you can change out the design. It’s all magnetic. Here are two of their newest designs/colors. They will be sending me more as they are ready and I will share them with you.

Again, I do believe the feeding of the spirit man is most important and feeding on HIS WORD DAILY and building up your spirit man first and foremost. For these earthly bodies are just temporal….but while we are all here serving the Lord and desiring to be all that He has called and equipped us to do… to desire to be a good witness for Him and have fun, joy, and flourishing in life!!!!

Some Christians believe it is selfish to take time to exercise or view it as a waste of time and that’s okay they feel that way, I am in here in no way to debate or judge, while others see our bodies are gifts from God. We are stewards, in a sense, so it’s important to take time to care for them. By being fit and healthy, we are also better able to carry out our God-given vocation on earth.

1 Corinthians 9:26-27

“Thus I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing. No, I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should be disqualified.”

Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.”

Your workouts can give glory to God. You can pray while you walk, meditate while you swim or simply put yourself in God’s presence in the weight room. The possibilities are endless.
Let me hear from you or share some of your favorite exercise outfits or things that motivate or inspire you as well as things you struggle with…Would love to hear!!