As I was reading this am, came upon a scripture that I had seen before, but it jumped out at me today!!

John 1:18
No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. (KJV)


Wow made me think when you are that close to a person you can actually hear their heartbeat!! How I long to be that close, so close to the Lord that I can actually hear HIS HEARTBEAT!

The promise is that when you draw near to God He will draw near to you (James 4:8).

You will find it MUCH easier to stay before the Lord because abiding inside His radiant presence will have become your greatest treasure.

It seems others are talking about this also:    


One woman said:

Was reading my bible, when God stopped me at John13:23, Now there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.
I have read that verse many times but this time it jumped out of the page at me, so i started meditating on it.
It occured to me that Jesus and John must have had a really close friendship for John to do that, can you imagine 2 blokes doing it in church today?
It also occured to me that John must have been able to hear and feel Jesus heartbeat.
God then told me that i too could have that kind of closeness and intimacy with him.
WOW i can be so close to God that i can hear and feel his heartbeat.
And OH boy do i want that, to be so close to him that i can hear and feel the beat of his heart.

That is awesome to think about it, hearing the saving blood pulsing through the heart of God!!

Look what barely touching the hem of His garment did,,, yes, very awesome to think of it.

So how do we hear the heartbeat of God?  Maybe it’s as simple as being still and knowing He is God. Maybe we have to pull away from all the clamor and distractions that draw us away from God’s heart. Like a child on the lap of a parent, we draw closely and wait. It takes time for the noise to settle. It takes effort to listen past the spiritual tinnitus, the persist ringing in our souls. We must relax and focus and maybe not even move for a moment, just to catch a sensation of the beating heart. Just listen. Just feel the rhythm. God is with you. God holds you gently. God loves you so much. God wants you close enough to feel the rhythm of His heart and the patterns of His thoughts. He is our Creator; we are His creation. All creation longs for connection with its Creator. We are no different.


Again I encourage you, if you long to know Jesus in this way,  not just know about Him  but to have a real personal relationship, I will leave this simple prayer and let me know so I can encourage and celebrate with you.

In His Love,
